Moss! We did go whale-watching, but for some reason I just don't get that excited about the large wildlife. I like to look at little things. And it turns out, the temperate rain forest is basically an ideal environment for dozens of moss species to thrive, reaching epic heights of lushness that I never dreamed of, growing up with miles of chaparral on all sides. There's lichens and liverworts too, but for some reason the mosses appeal to me the most. I discovered the macro setting on my camera (!) and took loads of pictures, trying to document as many different species as I could... but then I sat down too quickly on a rock and destroyed the screen. Argh! So I had to stop taking pictures. I don't even have the memory card with me, because my dad took it out when we got home and forgot to give it back to me before I flew back to Boston. So rest assured, I'll post my photos eventually. For now, here's a teaser photo taken by Derrick Ditchburn, who is a far better photographer than I. (More lovely moss photos at Dereila Images (do click on "More Moss" at the bottom).)

Human-powered transport! I fell in love with biking and kayaking. I think the common thread is that they are both human-powered modes of transport that require a lot more thought than walking/running. I find them spectacularly engaging because I can pay attention to either the scenery or the vehicle, as I like. Plus, there's something satisfying about going twice or three times as fast as I could go unaided, but still without using a motor. I intend to continue both biking and kayaking in Boston -- I've borrowed a bike from a friend who's summering out of town, and apparently you can rent kayaks and go out on the Charles River.
Signing ghost! Yes, that said signing, not singing. We stopped in Ashland and caught a performance of Hamlet by the Oregon Shakespeare Festival, which was of course excellent. But one thing in particular struck me -- the ghost of Hamlet's father spoke in sign language! I looked through a couple of brochures and found out the ghost was played by Howie Seago, "the first deaf actor to play on OSF stages". I don't know any sign, so I couldn't tell whether he was using ASL or SEE or something else, but I thought it was a neat artistic choice to have him play the ghost, as opposed to a living character. (Hamlet spoke the ghost's lines, as if he only half-understood sign and was trying to keep up.) I bet translating Shakespeare into ASL is an interesting problem, too.
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